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Benefits of Seeing A Professional Periodontist in Fort Collins, CO

Here Are Key Benefits of Visiting A Periodontist 

Visiting a general dentist for regular dental checkups is a great way to keep up with good oral health. However, you may need extra help from a professional periodontist for some issues. In this post, Fort Collins Periodontics and Dental Implants have discussed the critical benefits of seeing a periodontist. More can be found here.

Specialized Treatment for Gums

Gum disease infections can cause inflammations pockets between your gums and teeth and may require special attention. A periodontist specializes in deep cleaning procedures that help to clean your teeth and beneath the gum line. Discover facts about Helpful Questions to Ask Your Periodontist in Fort Collins, CO.

Prevention of Tooth Loss

Infections beneath the gum line often cause severe damage to the tissues in the gum pockets. If performed in time, the procedure helps to prevent the infection from causing tooth loss. The periodontists remove the damaged tissues which control the spread of infection and promote healing.

Replacement of Missing Teeth

If you lose teeth due to trauma or disease, a professional periodontist can approve you for dental implants. They have a detailed understanding of the oral structure and ensure that they resemble the adjacent teeth. 

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